Rethinking the Collective Spaces of Peri-Urban

The periphery of Graz (Gradnerastraße neighborhood).

Edona Bytyqi

Arch. Univ.-Prof. Aglaée Degros
Institut für Städtebau
Link zur Diplomarbeit

At the fringe of the city, where urban meets rural, one can observe the “peri-urban phenomenon” which epitomizes a highly fragmented territory. It is manifested through a cluttered mix of building typologies, various green space typologies and landscapes, all divided by heavy infrastructure. Additionally, the spatial organization is mainly based on the antagonism of private and public ownership. The master thesis aims at shifting the perspective towards looking at peri-urban areas by focusing on the landownership and current functions and aims to define a collective space, which consists of a mix of private and public collectively used areas, that intend to unify this fragmented territory. The area along Gradnerstraße, located southwest of Graz, serves as a testing ground for this approach.